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Mentorship & internships

TCV for youth

What speaks true to our hearts at The Collaboration Vector Inc. is supporting youth in realizing their potential.  We mentor young people from different walks of life including those on a path to realizing their aspirations, those seeking to develop by overcoming a specific personal or professional challenge, or those interested in working and networking in our field of practice.   Along the way, a mutual learning environment is created that is most fulfilling. 

In our work with clients and their partners, we advocate for mentorship and are currently supporting the implementation of mentorship programs in multiple countries. 


To date, we have welcomed interns from Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management, and HEC Montréal.  We are the business host for an HEC Montréal Masters' student thesis project in responsible global supply chain.  We look forward to continuing to expand our mentorship and internship offering.

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